Sony Dvx-801 Driver For Mac


The most common notations are hexadecimal notation and bit-reversed notation, both of which format the MAC address in 6 groups of 2 hexadecimal digits. EUI-48 IEEE global identifier standard that is associated with 48-bit MAC addresses. Hex mac address.

MacSony dvx-801 driver for mac

Sony Dvx-801 Driver For Macbook Pro

Discontinued models Model Name 8.6~ ~9.2.1 10.3/10.4 10.5/10.6 UP-GR700 - - (.1) (.1) UP-D75 - - OK OK UP-TX1 - - - - UP-DR100 - - - - UP-DP10 OK OK - - UP-D50 OK(.2) OK(.2) - - UP-D70 OK OK - - UP-D70A OK OK - - UP-D2500 OK OK - - UP-D2550S OK OK - - UP-D2600 OK OK - - UP-D2600S OK OK - - UP-D5500 OK(.2) OK(.2) - - UP-5500 /5600series OK(.2) OK(.2) - - UP-6300/6400/6500 - - - - UP-D6400 - - - - UP-D6500 - - - - UP-D8800(A) OK OK - -. (.1) Contact to your nearest dealer for the details. (.2) Background processing takes time.