Rails Installer For Mac
Updated: January 17, 2016 All of our online courses start with comprehensive instructions for getting the required software installed and set up on your own computer. For the, that means installing Ruby and Rails. During the course, you’ll then write, refactor, and test your code directly on your own computer. That way, after the course, you’ll already be familiar with the environment where you can then start writing your own Rails apps! Setting up a stable Ruby and Rails environment on your Mac has never been easier. Here’s our recommended approach Install Ruby 2 and Rails 5 The best way we’ve found to install Ruby and Rails on a Mac is using the. It’s a command-line tool that makes it easy to install and manage multiple independent Ruby environments on the same machine.
That way, you’ll be able to easily switch back and forth between different Ruby and Rails versions. Note that Mac OS X ships with a version of Ruby. However, it’s best not to mess around with the system-installed Ruby as it’s intended to be used by the operating system and apps installed by Apple.
So we’ll use RVM to install a separate user-level Ruby environment, rather than mucking around with the system-installed Ruby. First, find the Terminal application (it’s under the Applications - Utilities directory) and drag it onto your dock. You’ll end up using Terminal a lot as a Rails developer, so it’s good to have it handy. Then open a new Terminal session. You should see a new window with a cursor and a prompt that looks something like this.
Enoch: mike$ The default prompt includes the computer name ( enoch in my case), the current working directory (tilde represents your home directory), the current user name (mike), and a trailing $ which is the prompt for input. If this is the first time you’ve seen this side of a Mac, it may seem rather intimidating. Don’t let it throw you. It’s simply a way to interact with your computer by entering commands. In fact, here comes our first command. RVM compiles Ruby versions from source code.
To do that, RVM uses the GCC compiler and other build tools. Unfortunately, GCC isn’t installed by default on Mac OS X. GCC is only available after you’ve installed Apple’s Command Line Tools for Xcode. Check to see if you already have GCC installed by typing the following at the command prompt. Gcc -version If you see a version number, then you’re all set. If the gcc command isn’t found, you may get a dialog asking if you’d like to install Apple’s Command Line Tools for Xcode. Go ahead and click 'Install' to automatically download and install the Command Line Tools.
Otherwise, download the. To access the downloads you may need to register as an Apple developer if you haven’t already done so. Once you’re on the downloads page, search for 'command line tools' (in the search field on the left) and then click on the appropriate version of 'Command Line Tools for Xcode'. Click on the.dmg link to download it.
Once it has finished downloading, simply double-click the.dmg file and then double-click the enclosed.pkg file to start the installation process. Next, to install RVM from its GitHub repository (the recommended way), we need a working version of the git version control system.
It may seem like overkill at this point to install a version control system. However, as you become more familiar with the Rails community you’ll find that having git installed will make things a lot easier. And it’s easy enough to install, so we may as well get it out of the way now. Check to see if you already have git installed by typing the following at the command prompt.
Rvm install 2.3.3 This will download, compile, and install Ruby into a directory managed by RVM (it’s under the /.rvm directory). Initially you may see some help information displayed, followed by a prompt at the bottom of the screen. Press the spacebar to scroll through the help pages, or press ‘q’ to skip over the help and proceed with installation. Installing Ruby may take a while, so feel free to grab a refreshing beverage or a tasty snack. When the installation is done, close your Terminal session and open a new Terminal session. Then set Ruby 2 as the current Ruby version by typing. If you're ready to dive into developing with Ruby and Rails, there's no better set of courses to put you on a path to success than our.
You'll learn all the key fundamentals, advanced features and techniques, and best design principles. You'll get:. 96 videos (streamable and downloadable). 17 hours of content. 86-chapter workbook with step-by-step exercises. updated for the latest versions of both Ruby and Rails. one low price ( no subscription, no expiration).
Rails Installer For Mac
25% savings over buying each course individually You'll come away with a solid understanding of the fundamentals of Rails, and how to put all the pieces together, so you can confidently create your first Rails app or jump right into an existing app!
If you’re like me, you have multiple Rails projects in flight at any given time. You want a no-nonsense development environment that gets out of your way so you can get your work done. This guide explains how to set up a Rails development environment with these goals:.
Install easily onto a stock Mac running OS X 10.9+. Automatically switch Rubies per project. Use Bundler for managing gems. No need to reinvent the wheel with gem sets. Prefer Homebrew, rbenv, PostgreSQL, Git, bash. Rails 3.2 and higher.
Let’s get started. 1 Check the prerequisites This guide assumes you will be doing all your development using a single administrator account on your Mac. If you share your Mac with multiple accounts, or you develop using a non-admin account, these instructions may not work. I’m also assuming that you are running OS X El Capitan (10.11), OS X Yosemite (10.10), or OS X Mavericks (10.9), and have installed all the latest software updates.
2 Install command-line tools To be able to use homebrew for installing packages like Ruby and PostgreSQL, you’ll need Apple’s command-line tools package, which is not installed by default. To download them, simply open Terminal and run. Brew install openssl brew link openssl -force 4 Install rbenv is a tool for maintaining and switching between Ruby versions on the command-line. This lets you leave the standard OS X version of Ruby alone and use newer versions of Ruby easily and safely. Since rbenv itself is modular and extremely simple, the real power of rbenv is its plugin system. Here are the plugins I recommend:.
is responsible for downloading and installing Ruby. allows you to specify a list of gems you want for all your Ruby environments. Whenever you install a new Ruby via ruby-build, your desired gems are automatically installed with it. Rbenv is available through Homebrew, so installing it and its plugins is simple.
Checking for `rbenv' in PATH: /usr/local/bin/rbenv Checking for rbenv shims in PATH: OK Checking `rbenv install' support: /usr/local/bin/rbenv-install (ruby-build 20151230) Counting installed Ruby versions: none There aren't any Ruby versions installed under `/Users/mbrictson/.rbenv/versions'. You can install Ruby versions like so: rbenv install 2.2.4 Checking RubyGems settings: OK Auditing installed plugins: OK Finally, there is one gem that you’ll want as a baseline for all versions of Ruby:, which manages gem dependencies for Rails applications. The rbenv-default-gems plugin will install it automatically so you never forget; just add it to the default-gems file.