Monetdb-developers Monetdb: Default


MonetDB Analytical Database with R virtual image is designed to give you a platform to speedup data discovery. It combines MonetDB with the R statistical software, in a single pre-configured package. The virtual images ship with our, which allows R code to be run embedded in SQL statements. For the R users, the VM has our MonetDB.R connector set-up, for a transparent connection from the R software suite to the database. The package contains the following:. MonetDB (Oct2014-SP1).

​SQL​ module. R integration module for inline statical analysis.

module for GeoSpatial support. R (3.1.2).

MonetDB.R - the connector for R​ to MonetDB. a data manipulation package for R​ Instructions You can easily start the VM on your desktop and use it as a sandbox. Download the package from. Unzip it and import it in VirtualBox. If you don't have VirtualBox installed, you can get it from. Double click on the extracted.ovf file.

Or from VirtualBox, by selecting File-Import Appliance and browsing to the extracted.ovf file. Follow the on-screen instructions to import the image. In most cases you don't have to change anything. Start the appliance and log in.

Default username/password: root/monetdb. Using the on-screen console. Or from your host computer with SSH/PuTTY on port 2222 at localhost.

The appliance is configured in NAT mode and it will forward port 22 on the guest machine to port 2222 on your localhost (e.g. Ssh -p 2222 root@localhost).

Usage You can run (located in the root user directory) to set-up the 'monetdb' and 'rstart' users for password only access to the machine. After the quick setup you can log in (using the su command)as either:. 'su monetdb' to access directly the mclient shell. 'su rstats' to access directly R shell Alternatively you can create a tunnel over SSH to access the database using the MonetDB MAPI protocol. The appliance is configured to give you best performance, albeit running in a virtual machine. You can also modify the configuration once imported to increase the number of CPU cores assigned to the appliance, the amount of RAM allocated or modify the network interface.

Next steps Head over to the MonetDB page to get more familiar with the database and try it out in your VM. Running the '' script will download and load the VOC (Dutch East India Company) data for you. Cloud Work is already underway on Amazon Web Service AMIs with the MonetDB Analytics Database with R. The AWS images will be available soon on the AWS Marketplace, ready for single-click deployment on the cloud. If you need help with deploying MonetDB in the cloud or building a custom image, please.

Ocelot: A Hardware-Oblivious Database Engine Welcome to Ocelot, the hardware-oblivious extension for the in-memory column-store. Ocelot utilizes to provide hardware-oblivious replacements of MonetDB's relational database operators. The principle goal is to arrive at a database engine that can run (basically) unchanged on any device that has support for OpenCL.

We have tested Ocelot on a variety of devices, including CPUs from AMD and Intel, GPUs from AMD and Nvidia, as well as the Xeon Phi accelerator cards from Intel. For more information on the design principles behind Ocelot, we refer to our VLDB 2013 publication. All Ocelot-related source code is located in the repository folder monetdb5/extras/ocelot. Ocelot builds on MonetDB, which is developed by the. For more information on MonetDB, we refer to the MonetDB. Supported Operations & Limitations Ocelot currently supports SQL queries using the major relational operations (selection, projection, grouping, aggregation, join, sorting) on four-byte floating point (REAL) and datatypes. This also includes operations on DATE columns, and equality comparisons on VARCHAR columns.

Mongodb-developers mongodb default port

However, please note that Ocelot is primarily a research prototype, and there are several limitations because of this. In particular:. We don't support non-trivial string operations (inequality comparison, sorting, like) on string (CHAR / VARCHAR) columns. There is a number of unimplemented operators (multi-column sorting, top-k) that limit the number of queries Ocelot can run.

You will probably run into several glitches:) Even though we tried to make everything as robust as possible, there are very likely many hidden bugs. If you run into any problems, feel free to contact us! Build Instructions Checking out the Repository This repository contains a full clone of MonetDB's with the Ocelot extension included.

Therefore, the full database can be built from this repository. After checking out the source tree, make sure to switch to the simplememmanager branch via. Hg update -r simplememmanager Build Prerequisites In order to build Ocelot, you will need:.

A POSIX-compatible operating system. Sadly, we don't support Windows:(. A working gcc (or clang) build environment. The following UNIX tools:. libtool. autotools-dev & automake. pkg-config.

gettext. flex & bison. Development versions of the following libraries:. libssl (OpenSSL). libpcre. libxml2.

zlib. libreadline. libnlopt. An OpenCL development SDK.

Linux Build Instructions After installing the dependencies, you can configure and build MonetDB with Ocelot via the following commands (from the root directory)./bootstrap./configure -prefix=/path/to/install/folder -enable-oid32 -disable-int128 -enable-optimize -disable-testing -disable-developer -disable-debug -with-opencl=/path/top/opencl/sdk/root make && make install We also recommend adding the MonetDB binary folder $PREFIX/bin to your system's PATH. In case the configure script aborts because it cannot find the OpenCL header files, you can specify the path to the OpenCL header files in the environment variable CINCLUDEPATH. For example, if the SDK include directory is /opt/AMDAPP/include, you have to run export CINCLUDEPATH=/opt/AMDAPP/include before starting the configure script. Chatbot download free. Note: You might see the following error. Python -tpchdir=$DBGENDIR monetdb create tpch monetdb release tpch mclient -lsql -dtpch tpchload.sql monetdb stop tpch monetdb set readonly=true tpch Our modified TPC-H query files can be found under monetdb5/extras/ocelot/benchmarks/tpch/queries.


Monetdb-developers Monetdb: Default Skin

Initializing Ocelot Before running queries on Ocelot, you have to initialize the Ocelot runtime once. Internally, this sets up the OpenCL context, prepares the internal data structures and compiles the OpenCL kernels for all detected devices. To initialize Ocelot, issue the following command. Mal ocelot.listDevices; # Device 1: NVIDIA Corporation - Tesla K40m # Device 2: Intel(R) Corporation - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz (default device) # Device 3: Intel(R) Corporation - Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Acceleration Card If this list is empty, Ocelot was unable to detect any OpenCL devices. Please ensure that your system has a correctly configured OpenCL runtime and a supported device. By default, Ocelot will select the CPU as its default device, meaning the device that all operators will run on. The default device can be manually set via ocelot.setDefaultDevice.


Mongodb-developers Mongodb Default Username Password

Mal ocelot.setDefaultDevice(1); mal ocelot.listDevices; # Device 1: NVIDIA Corporation - Tesla K40m (default device) # Device 2: Intel(R) Corporation - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz # Device 3: Intel(R) Corporation - Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Acceleration Card You can display more detailed information about these devices (available memory, core frequency, supported OpenCL version, etc.) via ocelot.listDevices(true). After finishing your experiments, you can issue ocelot.release; to release all resources held by Ocelot. Using Ocelot In order to run SQL queries using Ocelot from the MonetDB SQL interface, you have to enable the Ocelot query rewriter. This rewriter will automatically replace supported MonetDB operators by the corresponding ones from ocelot. To select the Ocelot rewriter for the current session, open the MonetDB SQL interface and run the following SQL command.